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How to Eliminate Paint Odor

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The way most appropriate solution is to select the type of watercolor, oil paint brushed usage, it can solve the air pollution problem completely! Paint thinners contain oil that serves to dilute, it also contains compounds such as benzene, TDI off a pretty big and toxic materials and dangerous, although we use the flowers and grass to suck the poison. However, these toxins can not be sucked up completely, and the last victim was a man who lived in the room in the long run.

Watercolor diluted by the water, do not contain benzene, formaldehyde, harmful toxic compounds, and not be separated from TDI. This Paint is a substitute for oil paints. Choosing this type of paint is a guarantee for you and your family to be more healthy.

There are now more effective resource to cope with pollution, benzene, formaldehyde, oil paint and dangerous types of pollution.

1. Take some red onion uran large and sliced, then put in a basin filled with water, soak for a few days, put in every room, about a week later the smell of paint and wood will netralisir.

2. After renovating the room, sprinkle a little powder on the floor and the top of the wardrobe, is quite an effective way as well.

If there are women who are pregnant or whose health is less good in the house, put two oranges in every room. If not in a hurry to occupy it, then place a bowl of water 1 mixed ½ kg salt, wait until all the salt water evaporates into the dry salt flakes, just added more water and return until the moisture content and low salt twithin a period of about about 2 months, this way for a particular house inhabited by old people and children.


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